Monday 9 May 2011

Location Discussion

Finding a location to film the music video has been perhaps the hardest task. Max and I have high expectations when it comes to the overall look and so we looked into using wedding reception venues but for obvious reasons it was unfeasible as the locations required a rental fee well beyond what four students can afford.
In a brief discussion with Mr Sheppard, he mentioned using 'Peppercorn Studios'. To which Ian agreed that would be a good place to use as it would be easy to arrange permission as he knows the owner and it is to be newly opened soon. Ian said he will contact and arrange the necessities for as soon as possible and get back to us.
This task was left to him before Christmas, and Zoe was reminded numerous times before we broke up for the Christmas holiday that she needed to get the lighting certificate, despite the location having sufficient lighting kit and people to help with it, as the location is not 100% confirmed and so we cannot rely solely on being able to use this location and the lights.
Other location possibilities have been 'St.Neots Golf Club' due to previous connections however this was difficult to co-ordinate with January exams, functions at the golf club and opening times as well as decorating the location would have been difficult as there is no stage and limited effective lighting.
It was possible to use 'The Royal Oak' pub in Hail Weston as I live there and would be easy to get permission although it would require using the location before opening times (Well before 12pm - and being cleared up and finished before 12pm) or after opening times (11pm onwards) which are fairly difficult to co-ordinate with band members due to their busy schedules and also the time limits were quite short. It was also apparent from the size of the pub that it would be difficult to fit all the band's equipment in it, and no specific stage location is available so it would have looked slightly strange but acted as a very very last resort, there is also no technical equipment such as stage lights etc so it would require us as students to provide 100% of the equipment.
The other option would be to use the school's stage at the location for our video, the positives of using this include the technical equipment such as stage lights, but the condition of the stage itself is not aesthetically pleasing and is not a conventional location of Motown and the evidence of it being a school hall/ stage will greatly effect the content of the video. The current backdrop on the stage is inappropriate and quite hideous and so it will need removing but it is being used for a play at the moment.

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