Sunday 27 February 2011

9.12.10/ 10.12.10 - No Response/ Concerns

Earlier in the week I expressed some concerns about how this project will turn out. Obviously we are relying on the band representative to communicate with his fellow band members however; Molly emailed him a few weeks ago and is still yet to get a reply. This suggests that if he isn't communicating with us then he can't be communicating with the other band members.

During a lesson while we were all together we decided to call Ian to ask him if he got the email, he said he just found it and will reply, but he didn't. We were also going to ask him the questions in the email but he said he couldn't confirm anything such as the Motown image or if they are definitely doing 'All the Single Ladies' for the music video as he hadn't contacted the other band members so he said he would contact them and email Molly back soon.

Another week or so and he didn't email back after that so I told Molly we should ring him again. I decided to ring him on behalf of Molly because I didn't think I could express my concerns through someone else (I used Molly's phone so that he still only has one number to call us on).

I called him at 11:30am and there was no answer and so I tried again at around 1.I basically said that we only have 2 weeks left at school before we break up for Christmas and after that we need to be ready for filming. (a range of dates were given to him in the email that he didn't reply to). I also asked if the band had had their first ever rehearsal yet, and he said he was in the process of arranging it.
For our project to really start we need to actually see what the band members look like and he said he only had their Facebook contact details at the minute so he was going to arrange to get appropriate pictures. After that he said he would call me or Molly back at 3:00pm as he was going to chase the band as soon as he was home. We didn't receive a call or a follow up email which was promised.

Resulting from this, the next day, (10/12/10) I went to Mr Sheppard, with Max, to express my concerns again and tell him that we've had no email replies, and no returned call. I asked what we could do because we effectively have nothing to go by and Mr Sheppard confirmed we will definitely do the Motown image and 'All The Single Ladies' and on Monday, Ian (the representative) will be bringing a band member along with him so we can talk to him again. Mr Sheppard said we should give the band a name by Monday and that I should have some logos drawn and the image sorted.
Having then getting the confirmation from Mr Sheppard about the Motown image and confirming the 'Single Ladies' song, I brainstormed band names and outfit ideas and plan to gather images of certain dresses which I think would be good for the three girls, I also plan to present this on Monday to Ian and the band members that attend the meeting.

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