Sunday 27 February 2011

Email to Representative

Following the first meeting with Ian, I suggested a few things that Molly should ask in the first email we send to our representative, we asked for the following things to be confirmed:
- Motown image - Do all band members agree it would be appropriate?
- Song - Are they definitely recording 'Single Ladies' by Beyonce?
- Pictures - Can we have pictures of the three girls so I can research the image of the band which would be suitable
- Locations - We need to try and get permission for suitable locations for the music video, any ideas?
- Filming dates - Possible on: 04th of January, 07th of January, 11th of January and 16th of January

We wanted to set a filming date for as soon as possible in order to meet the internal deadline but also enable us to re-film at a later date if any problems are incurred or any further footage is required. These dates are also convenient for students who have January exams all throughout the month.

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