Sunday 27 February 2011

Mind Maps, Scans, Plans

This post features all mind maps and ideas created throughout the whole project including ideas for the first song choice as well as when the song was later changed.
Video Ideas
This mind map demonstrates the basic idea which I came up with, the Spotlight inspiration came from the film DreamGirls whereas the hand clapping and drum beating was inspired by the popular youtube channel 'PomplamooseMusic', as seen in the opening of the video below.

I feel by replicating some of the modern elements from the youtube video we can create a music video which would appeal to younger audiences with the engaging editing and then the old style Motown sounds would entise the older audiences.
It was also a possible idea to put the music video in black and white in order to be similar to the original music video by Beyonce and this would also conform to Motown conventions of black and white due to the era of non-colour TV.

Clothing Ideas

This mindmap demonstrates the influences for outfits. I firstly sketched certain dresses that I had in my head and from previous knowledge of the eras clothing and then found that they were similar to those in certain films and music videos.

The above videos are examples of where I have got my inspiration from and the following pictures are specific relevant examples of clothing:

Name Ideas
This is how I came up with the name for the group, it was difficult to think of an original band name so I decided to write everything to do with singing on a piece of paper and then try to mould the word into the conventions I found with Motown names.
Refer to blog posts: 'Motown Research'

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